A Purposeful Journey

A Purposeful Journey

We're not taught this in school. There's no textbook for standing your ground when it comes to your personal beliefs. Instead we are often instructed to just go with the flow, follow the crowd, and assimilate with our peers. See those who are different are made fun of, chastised, and alienated. Fear. Fear is what often holds us back from what we really want to do, what we want to say, who we want to associate with. 
The brave ones stand alone. They do it because they know it is right. They do it because they believe in their cause. They do it because they know that if they don't, no one else will and what they should be fighting for will be lost. 
Some folks take the popular route seeking the accolades and pats on the back that come with their chosen path. Some people are just barely getting by, doing what it takes to make ends meet; hoping to have a second in the day to dream of another way. There's no fault in either of these paths. Everyone makes choices, and deals with the circumstances dealt to them.
There's something about those other ones though, the ones that are unwavering in their mission. They may go down several different roads, get lost, find success, fall down, and start over again, but they just keep going. Those are the ones who you sometimes find standing alone. Do they wish they had others around them in support? Absolutely. Do they sometimes think about giving up and taking the path of least resistance? You better believe it. But they stand tall and keep their chin held high because they represent more than a dollar, they are responsible for the principles they hold dear. 
The "others ones," that's where MadFun USA resides. It's about much more than a cute dress or a t-shirt with a humorous saying. It's about education and awareness. It is about standing for a principle. What we say may be unpopular. It may not be politically correct. But it's what we stand by. Finding inexpensive, fashionable clothes made in China is simple. We want to represent something else and in doing so, encourage others to think twice about how they spend their hard-earned money realizing the impact those purchases make. Is it hard? Heck yes. Do we have to work other jobs and businesses to pay the bills while pursuing this? Absolutely. But the mission remains the same. So we continue chasing that American dream while watching the flag wave, hoping someday we'll be able to walk in a store and find its image on more products once again as it was when our grandparents were young. Like all things in life, it's an adventure. Welcome to our MadFun ride. Made in the United States. American Made. That's our way. 
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