Ratification Day

Ratification Day

While most Americans understand the meaning and history of Independence Day (July 4th), very few actually understand the significance and history of Ratification Day. 

Ratification Day is when the Treaty of Paris was officially ratified signifying the independence of the United States from the British. 

Still confused? Here's a brief summary of how it all went down...

April 19, 1775

The Battle of Lexington and Concord, a battle between colonists and British troops, begins the start of the American Revolution. 

July 4, 1776

The Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence, declaring independence from Great Britain. 

October 19, 1781

The British surrender at the Battle of Yorktown marking the last shot and what many call the end of the Revolutionary War, however some conflict did continue beyond this point. 

September 3, 1783

The Treaty of Paris is signed by David Hartley on behalf of Great Britain. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay sign on behalf of the US colonies. The Treaty declares that the United States is no longer a British colony and establishes the boundaries of the new country to include all land east of the Mississippi River and north of the southern border of Florida. 

January 14, 1784

The Treaty of Paris is officially ratified by the Continental Congress effectively ending the ongoing conflict between the British and US colonists and officially ending the American Revolutionary War. 

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