The History of Flag Day

The History of Flag Day

On June 14th of 1777, the Continental Congress approved the design for the first national flag of the United States of America. On this day the resolution stated "Resolved, That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation."

It wasn’t until 100 years later in 1877 that the first flag day was celebrated in communities. However, it took even longer for the day to become an established holiday. Both President Woodrow Wilson and President Calvin Coolidge issued proclamations asking for June 14th to be observed as National Flag Day. Those requests were dismissed, and it wasn’t until 1949 that Congress approved the national observance, under the signing of President Harry Truman.

The US flag has gone through numerous design changes over the years. Some designs were carried out in specific battles, others were the addition of new states (stars on the flag). The current flag flown proudly displays fifty stars representing the fifty states in our nation and thirteen stripes (7 red, 6 white). This latest update occurred after Hawaii entered our nation as the fiftieth state in 1959.

A symbol of what we stand for as a nation, the colors of the flag also carry meaning. Red represents valor and courage. White is for purity and innocence. Blue stands for vigilance, justice, and perseverance.

As an American on Flag Day, please take a moment to stand tall for the flag, recite the pledge and remain grateful for this nation and what it represents, freedom.

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